Buying 8 Tips For First-Time Real Estate Investors Want to build wealth through real estate? Investing in rental properties can provide you with a steady income stream and long-term growth potential. However, the landlord life might not be for everybody. If you’re looking to get started with long-term rentals but are leery to dive in — keep reading! Here are eight considerations to […]
Other Holiday Home Safety Tips The holiday season is here! While this is a time for joy and celebration, it’s also important that your home stays safe and secure. Whether you’re planning a holiday getaway or simply enjoying festivities at home, safeguarding your property should be a top priority. That’s why we are here to share some tips to help […]
Other 8 Ways to Practice Daily Gratitude In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily errands and the 9-5 grind. However, amidst the chaos, there’s an invaluable element that can enhance your day-to-day life—gratitude. Today, we will explore how gratitude can transform your daily life.   A Mindful Start to Your Day Start your day […]
Uncategorized 10 Home Staging Tips Every Seller Should Know Are you planning to put your O’ahu home on the market? First impressions matter! While it’s important to clean and declutter your home, staging can highlight its best features, maximize space, and create an inviting atmosphere that potential buyers will love. As your local listing experts, we have put together a list of 10 expert […]
Other Tips For Getting Back to Business After Summer Break Ah, summer—the season of sandy toes, tan lines, and lazy afternoons. However, it’s time to say farewell to go-with-the-flow schedules now that fall has arrived and school is back in session. While summertime offers a much-needed break, it can be difficult stepping back into a productive routine. Not to worry! We are happy to act […]
Real Estate Real Estate 101: The Top Terms You Need to Know Basic vocabulary to advance your knowledge as a seller or serious buyer. Navigating the real estate market can sometimes feel like deciphering a foreign language. From industry-specific acronyms to complex legal terms, there’s a collection of real estate vocabulary that can leave even the most seasoned homebuyers or sellers scratching their heads. To help simplify […]
Real Estate Avoid These Biggest Home Purchase Regrets Buying a home is often the biggest purchase someone will make in their lifetime. However, the housing market can be an intimidating place to be—especially when inventory is low, and there are bidding wars. As your real estate agent, it’s our job to guide you through the market and help you make informed decisions. Just […]
Uncategorized The Benefits of Xeriscaping in Hawai’i: Top 8 Reasons to Transform Your Yard Have you ever wondered what xeriscaping your yard would look like? The term “xeriscape” means a landscape without water, and there are plenty of ways to establish a yard that’s not only ecofriendly, but also the envy of the neighborhood. From saving a few pennies to establishing a wildlife haven, here are the top reasons […]
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Real Estate Protect Your Assets: The Benefits of Setting up a Trust While there’s no harm in living in the moment, planning your finances ahead of time will be beneficial in the long run—especially estate planning. Do you know what will happen to your home, your investments? Probate can be a long and painful process if handled incorrectly, so that’s why we are here to help you […]
Real Estate The Heat is On: How Rising Mortgage Rates Are Impacting the Spring Housing Market The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and the spring housing market is heating up—right? Once the market cooled off at the end of 2022, real estate experts predicted the 2023 housing market to warm up in the spring months. However, as inventory remains low and mortgage rates rise, some people are starting to fear […]
Financing How to Stick to a Budget Do you have financial goals but don’t know where to start? Setting a budget is the first step to financial success. However, many people will create a budget and fail to stick to the parameters they’ve put in place. So much for a budget, right? If managing money is not your forte, consider these five […]
Local 8 Things To-Do When Moving To or From Hawai’i Let’s paint a picture. You’ve just finished a mighty game of Tetris with the moving boxes, the family waves goodbye to a house once-called home, and you’ve all settled in for a long plane trip. It’s official! You’re moving out of state. Moving can be a stressful time, but relocating to or from the islands is […]
Other 3 Steps to Planning Your Year Entering a new year can be overwhelming. Just like an artist’s empty canvas or a writer’s blank sheet of paper, it’s hard to know where to begin. But remember, starting fresh also offers an abundance of opportunities. Now is the time to take your year by the horns and steer it in the right direction. […]
Financing 3 Ways to Reduce Your Interest Rate When Buying a Home Are you kicking yourself for not buying when mortgage rates were lower? You’re not alone! With the housing market slowing, sellers reducing prices, and interest rates peaking at the highest level in 20 years, many would-be buyers have put their plans on pause. But is waiting the smartest strategy? While we try not to give […]
Real Estate 7 Reasons Not to Fear The Current Hawai’i Housing Market Will the real estate market crash? Are the headlines as bad as it reads? Should you buy a house now or wait? These are questions our team has been getting a lot lately! We know the current market can seem overwhelming, but the good news is you don’t have to face it alone! As the […]